A1210 settings
With direct doors only
The A1210 controller can control one directly, meaning that the lock, monitor, and REX devices are connected to the physical connections on the controller.
Select the door from the dropdown list (you may need to create it first).
With SimonsVoss SmartIntego
In combination with wireless locks from SimonsVoss SmartIntego, each controller can still manage one door directly. In addition, a controller can manage up to 30 (recommended max value) wireless locks via one or more IP-connected hubs. One SmartIntego hub can manage maximum 16 doors and has a range of 20 - 30 meters.
The connection between the SmartIntego hub and the controller is done on the hub page.
Lock settings
The A1210 controller has one relay that can be configured in the actual hardware (by moving a jumper) to deliver either a potential free contact, 12V, or 24V when activated. It is necessary to specify which door it belongs to by using the dropdown field.
It is also necessary to specify whether it should be configured as fail-safe or fail-secure:
- Fail-secure means that the door is locked if the power fails (it is secure from intruders on the outside). This is the default.
- Fail-safe means that the door is unlocked if the power fails (it is safe for people on the inside, e.g. in the event of a fire).
Monitor settings
A door monitor can be used. A common type of door monitor is a magnet sensor. The door monitor senses if the door is open or closed and has two purposes:
- A door open too long alert will be generated if the door is open too long (configurable).
- A "door forced open" alert will be generated if the door is opened without a prior access granted event, such as presenting a valid credential to the reader or using the REX button (see below).
If using a door monitor, you need to specify if an open circuit means that the door is open or closed. The default is open circuit = open door.
Reader settings
Only one reader can be attached to the A1210 controller.
You need to specify the type of reader. Supported reader types are:
- RS485 half duplex OSDP
- Wiegand single LED
- Wiegand double LED
REX settings
REX (Request to EXit) devices are inputs that trigger by either opening or closing a circuit. A typical REX device is an "open button" that unlocks (or more exactly; grants access to) the door from the inside.
Specify whether opening or closing the circuit should trigger the request to exit.
A special case of using a REX device / input is where a user opens the door manually and the door has a door monitor. Normally, this will trigger the door forced open alert, but this may not be the desired behavior. In this case, it is possible to use a specific REX device that will trigger as soon as the door starts to open and configure it as either Closing circuit allows or Opening circuit allows. The effect of this is to prevent the door forced open alert to be generated.
IO port settings
The A1210 Network door controller has two configurable IO ports. These ports can be used with Commands and triggers; an input port can act as a trigger, and a command can activate an output port. In order to use the IO ports, they first need to be configured.
Each IO port can be configured either as input or output. It is also necessary to define what the normal state of the port is: ground or open. For more information on the use of IO ports, see the section on Commands and triggers.
Pin chart
After saving or editing the settings for an A1210 controller, Telcred Access Manager can generate a pin chart that summarizes the physical connections on the controller. The pin chart is accessed by clicking the link at the bottom of the controller detail screen.